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Our Curriculum

The Curriculum at Staples Road School

"Pupils learn a broad curriculum and enjoy visiting the forest to learn outside when they can." Ofsted Nov 2022

"Pupils enjoy learning. They show this by listening well and trying hard with their work." Ofsted Nov 2022

"Leaders have considered carefully the important knowledge and understanding they want pupils to learn from Reception to Year 6." Ofsted Nov 2022

Our intent is to Strive, Respect and Succeed by providing every child with a curriculum which is rich and varied, challenging and inspiring. We are lucky enough to be on the doorstep of Epping Forest, so we maximise opportunities to use the forest throughout our curriculum. 

The National Curriculum - Key Stages

We follow the National Curriculum (2014). Years 1 and 2 follow Key Stage 1 (KS1), and Years 3-6 follow Key Stage 2 (KS2). These comprise of core and foundation subjects. EYFS (Reception) follow the Statutory Framework for Early Years Foundation Stage, and Development Matters. Click here for more information on the EYFS.

Core subjects: 

  • English
  • Maths
  • Science

Foundation subjects:

  • Computing
  • Geography
  • History
  • Religious Education
  • Design and Technology
  • Art and Design
  • Music
  • Modern Foreign Languages (French)
  • Physical Education
  • Personal, Social and Health Education

Although there are specific lessons that stand alone in some subjects (for example Maths, PE, Music, French), most of the subjects are taught through topics which are planned on a half-termly basis. The allows the learning to be exciting, relevant and meaningful for the children. Examples of our topics include Extreme Earth, Innovations and Ideas and Lovely Loughton. 

WOW days

We aim to ensure every child is engaged in the fantastic topics we plan for them. To help achieve this, we have WOW days that celebrate and engross children through dressing up, participating in workshops or visiting places that reinforce key aspects of knowledge in each topic.

Equality and Inclusion

Our curriculum is accessible for those with disabilities or special education needs. We are in compliance with the duties set out in the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014. 

An overview of our curriculum topics this year can be seen in the document below.

More information about specific subjects, can be seen in the Curriculum Intent Statements folder. 

Termly year group curriculum coverage, can be seen in the Autumn, Spring and Summer folders.